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Primary school in Matelica, IT


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location: Matelica, Italy

year: 2019

status: Competition

client: Comune di Matelica
program: Classrooms, laboratories, offices, auditorium, library, cafeteria

GFA: 3400 m2

budget: 3.9 MI euro

team: Lucia Zamponi, Filippo Nanni





As alternative to a typical courtyard school, the project proposes a system of pavilions connected by an indoor path. The roof is seen as transition element between architecture and landscape.The new school is not designed as a building but as a micro city, a campus for children to explore.

The scale of the building takes up the scale of the surrounding context. The construction is modular and the project is based on a 1.2m module. The building can be broken down into several structurally independent blocks, making it possible to build them in phases. The project is composed by a body A dedicated to teaching rooms and a body B with the auditorium, gymnasium and canteen. The school presents itself to the child as a space to explore, never monotonous and challenging; the internal environments are all in direct contact with the external spaces.

The morphology of the building and the internal courtyards favor natural ventilation by intercepting summer breezes from the west; the roof overhangs shade the south facades. The school is a lightweight anti-seismic wooden structure. The prefabricated X-Lam elements reduce the duration of the construction site and dry assembly facilitates eventual future reuse of materials and ensures verification of CAMs. The use of sloping roofs and overhangs to protect the facades allow to reduce maintenance costs.


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